New Version Released

New Version Released
New Version Release!
We are super excited to announce our new release. We have been extremely busy, last quarter, developing many new features and upgrades for our new release.
We listened to our customers and the market, we added features to solve your daily challenges. Many more new exciting changes are in process and will be released in the upcoming days and weeks.
We are excited for this year, our self-service kiosk got a big upgrade as well and will be released soon.
Feel free to contact us any time to get a demo and a free trial account.
For more information on the SADEVIO Visitor Management System, visit:
SADEVIO, LLC is a global visitor management system provider. SADEVIO’s mission is to revolutionize the visitor process for both guests and hosts through implementation of enhanced security and technological capabilities. Customers encompass a diverse array of professional sectors, ranging from enterprise, consumer, and healthcare to government, fossil fuel, and manufacturing. For more information, visit
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